Forever Blue Circle

We express our sincere gratitude to donors who have already provided for the future of FFA through a bequest in your will, trust, or by designating FFA as a beneficiary of your financial account. In appreciation, we would like to send you a custom gift made by an FFA member as part of their supervised agricultural experience. Visit to receive your handmade token of appreciation.

Jack Pitzer

Jack Pitzer: IRA Rollover Legacy Gift

Jack PitzerDuring a span of more than 50 years, Jack Pitzer’s contributions to FFA have been extensive. Pitzer first became involved with FFA while still a young man in high school. In 1965 he began his career working on the National FFA Organization’s magazine. He served as a publication director, editor and leader of the FFA Convention’s popular Career Fair.

Pitzer has now strengthened his commitment to FFA’s future members with a legacy gift. As he explained, “The law allows you to take money from your IRA (that must be withdrawn anyway when you turn 70½ years old) and give it to a charitable organization without tax burdens. We contacted our financial advisor, and he made it happen.”

Regarding his gift, Pitzer said, “The thread of the past still lives in FFA members today.” He and his wife Pat wanted to support the National FFA Foundation “for generations to come.”

With a passion for FFA history, Pitzer also helped ensure the collection and cataloguing of FFA memorabilia when the National FFA Center in Virginia closed and moved to Indianapolis. In honor of his numerous accomplishments, Pitzer received the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013 from AAEA (American Agricultural Editor’s Association).

Retired since 2009, he and Pat remain active in their local parish. The couple has three sons—Mike, Matt, and Mark. Pitzer is also a longstanding member of a barbershop quartet.

Pitzer noted that his IRA gift was stimulated by his involvement with the Individual Giving Council and by changes in the tax laws. He added, “Pat and I knew it was our time to give back.”