Forever Blue Circle

We express our sincere gratitude to donors who have already provided for the future of FFA through a bequest in your will, trust, or by designating FFA as a beneficiary of your financial account. In appreciation, we would like to send you a custom gift made by an FFA member as part of their supervised agricultural experience. Visit to receive your handmade token of appreciation.

FFA Alum Comes Full Circle With Future Gift

Tim Hoberty

Tim Hoberty

The National FFA Organization has been part of Tim Hoberty’s life since he was a kid growing up on a farm in Springfield, Ohio.

As an FFA student member, he honed the skills necessary for a career in agriculture. He became a state officer, and in 1982 was the national prepared public speaking winner, the highlight of his time in FFA.

His advisor, Larry Lokai, inspired him along the way.

“There was probably no one who helped me prepare for my future more than he did,” Tim says.

Today, he’s still using the lessons he learned as a sales manager for Syngenta, a gold sponsor of FFA.

“FFA teaches responsibility and life skills better than anywhere else that I had the opportunity to learn from,” he says.

Dylon Tidyman

Dylon Tidyman

Grateful for all the FFA has given him, Tim is giving back. That includes naming the National FFA Foundation as a beneficiary of his individual retirement account (IRA).

As a token of appreciation, the National FFA Foundation sent him a personalized pen made by FFA student member Dylon Tidyman, who is making them as part of his supervised agricultural experience.

Tim was so impressed by Dylon’s craftmanship that he purchased about 40 to give as gifts.

“Working with National FFA has enabled me to reach more people for my business and has given me the chance to assist FFA in giving back to those who have contributed to FFA’s success,” Dylon says.

Supporting Dylon and future generations in FFA is now part of Tim’s legacy.

“You can’t take it with you,” Tim says, “but you can leave it somewhere that will make this world a better place. That’s what FFA is doing.”

If you were an FFA member and were impacted by the experience, consider reaching out to us to discuss how you might leave a lasting legacy to ensure a sustainable future for FFA. Contact Matthew Wyman at 317-376-9088 or